East Bay Realty Pro
Helpful advice from Don's newspaper columns
For both Buyers & Sellers,
at times, paying by the hour can save you money
Assisting attorneys as a
real estate expert witness
since 1986
Read what Don's clients have to say
Real Estate Agent vs. Real Estate Hourly Consultant
Which one is better for you?
Real estate by-the-hour, hourly real estate consulting, real estate hourly consulting – no matter how you say it, there is a great necessity for this service, but few in the business provide it. Why? Because the industry is extremely slow to change and is not set up to effectively handle this function. Don, however, understands the need and has been doing real estate consulting on an hourly basis since 1994.
There are situations where you may need real estate expertise, but do not see the sense in paying thousands when you can pay hundreds, or paying five figures when four figures is appropriate.
An example is a property owner selling to his tenant. In these situations, Don is often hired by either the seller or the buyer to help prepare proper paperwork. Don answers the questions that the typical buyer and seller do not even think to ask. He provides the knowledge and experience that facilitates a smooth transaction and avoids the pitfalls that may lead to expensive problems later.
Over the years, Don has worked as a consultant for numerous people with real estate problems and questions. He has written many articles about hourly consulting:
Consultant or Agent?; Consulting Saves Buyer's Bacon; Consulting Helps Couple Avoid "Money Pit;" Hourly Consulting: Great Idea Whose Time Has Yet to Come; Hourly real estate consultants: Still hard to find; Berkeley seller applauds hourly real estate consultingCall or email Don to find out if
hourly consulting is right for you.
Don Dunning has been a full-time, licensed real estate agent since 1979 and a broker since 1982. He provides sales and hourly listing or consulting services with Wells & Bennett Realtors in Oakland. Call him at (510) 485-7239, or e-mail him at to put his knowledge and experience to work for you.
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